Mashing a Map

This post is somewhat disjointed as I needed a bit of background to get to the point.
First off, Nelson Minar is great. He is also a foodie who I have been vicariously living through as he's been traveling in Paris over the last few years. I trust his recommendations and have sent them to family and friends going to Paris quite a few times.
Secondly, I've been getting really into mapping and it's possibilities. One of the recent toys I've been playing with is the excellent Google My Maps (go to and click on the "My Maps" tab). It quickly and easily allows you to mark up a map. Then the Google maps team added an easy way to embed a map.
All of which led me to want to take Nelson's Paris food recommendations and map them. That way I could easily share them with my friends and family and they'd be able to see whether any of his recommendations were near a place they were going. Also, it'd be a nice thing to do for Nelson -- or at least I hoped it would. Interestingly, I didn't have to guess or be a friend of Nelson's to know whether he would be OK with me doing this. He has licensed the content of his blog with a Creative Commons attribution non-commercial license. So I know that as long as what I am doing is non-commercial and that I do proper attribution, Nelson will be happy. Sometimes non-commercial is a hard judgment to make, but not here with my personal blog.
The only two things missing are an ability to allow others to add to the map and a croissant icon for Boulangerie Malineau (though you can create your own icons).
The resulting mashup is below.

View Larger Map -- reviews from Nelson Minar, licensed Creative Commons by-nc-2.0

Nelson's Paris Recommendations, Mapped

Elsewhere I've posted some commentary, but for now, here is the map of Nelson Minar's excellent Paris food recommendations.

View Larger Map -- reviews from Nelson Minar, licensed Creative Commons by-nc-2.0

Lazyweb: IE Problems

The links at the top of this blog (home, about, law, code, music, links) don't seem to work in at least some versions of Internet Explorer, such as 6.0.2900.2180. If anyone has a fix for that, please post it in the comments.

I'm Back

Am not sure how much I'll end up posting, but I went through the extremely hard work of porting my blog over to Blogger and setting it back up, so I'm back. I guess I should also say that I am still at Google working the legal side of the many great products that our engineers and other talented folk come up with. My team is hiring if you are interested.